Taking a shower should be an enjoyable and relaxing experience. But nothing dampens spirits more like looking down at a shower floor that’s dirty, scratched, and stained. If you’ve spent countless hours scrubbing your shower floor with bleach in an attempt to get rid of stains, mold and mildew, then it’s time you took a stand and did something about it. Here at Bath Makeover of Arkansas, we offer top of the line bathroom remodeling products. Our shower bases are an economical solution for updating your shower without having to buy a new one.

Our shower bases are durable and beautiful. We have a large selection of colors and patterns to choose from. That way, you’ll be able to find the perfect match for your current shower.  All of the bathroom solutions from Bath Makeover of Arkansas are made from some of the most durable acrylics in the industry. Why is it considered durable? Your new shower base will never chip, crack or peel. This acrylic also prevents stains so you can say goodbye to stains for good! Constantly removing mold and mildew from your shower floor is also a thing of the past. The acrylic used to make our shower bases is non-porous. Non-porous acrylic naturally resists mold and mildew so you can spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying your beautiful shower.

Shower Bases Arkansas

You’ll really be surprised by how different your shower will look by simply changing the base. We here at Bath Makeover of Arkansas take pride in our exceptional bath remodeling products, professional customer service and expert installation. In as little as one day, our experienced installers can install your new shower base. You can finally rest easy knowing your new shower floor will look new for many years to come. You owe to yourself to own a shower floor that’s hassle free and easy to clean. Plus, all of our shower bases come with a lifetime guarantee so you know you’re purchasing a dependable product. If you’re ready to refresh and modernize your shower, give us a call today! It’s about time you got back to a relaxing shower.

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