50% OFF INSTALLATION of a new bathtub or shower!1
0% Interest Financing Options! / Senior & Military Discounts!2
BONUS! $200 Walmart Gift Card with purchase!3
Contact us today and receive a FREE $25 Starbucks Gift Card with free in-home estimate!4
1. (New orders only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Does not include material costs. Other restrictions may apply.)
2. (With minimum purchase and approved credit.)
3. (New orders only. With minimum purchase & approved credit. Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. Gift Card not issued if customer cancels order or if credit is declined. Offer is subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Offer not sponsored or promoted by Walmart. Gift card valued at $200. Other restrictions may apply .)
4. (With in-home estimate and product demonstration to homeowner(s). Limit one per household. Gift card voucher given upon completion of demonstration to be mailed in by homeowner(s). Salespersons do not carry gift cards for security reasons. Offer not sponsored or promoted by Starbucks and is subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Allow 2-3 weeks after demonstration to receive gift card. Gift card valued at $25.)